Tuesday 24 September 2013

I should have just stuck to sewing! In my quest to behave I decided to attack one kitchen cupboard, you hvae no idea what hides in there! First you open the door and just in side are dozens of ( at one time) important notes that were taped to the door, some actually had a sticky backing to them. A little goop gone and we were good to go. Then out came the cleanser to make the inside of the door glisten once again!

Moving into the cupboard a dangerous hole there was a little gift bag that had seen better days, now filled with receipts and paperwork that was once needed. Now the instruments that they belonged to are long gone. Oh the cupboard seems lighter than before. I think I heard a sigh.

Moving on to food and collections I group the similar ingredients and food groups now I come upon a large old peanut butter jar filled with pens, markers, kiddies paint brushes. I don't toss it as I am sure the minute I do I will need it's precious contents.

I decide to revisit that cupboard before we leave for our trip - I can take dry foods with me and rather than leave them here for the mice I will make good use of them

Now the big question ? How long will this cupboard stay neat and arranged? 24 hours?? I call it my make work project