Sunday 14 June 2015

who has the best seat in town!

Ben had a beloved black leather recliner, slim fit and perfect. But after 20+ years it's base was worn and broken. We tried to bring it back to life, replace it with something comparable but could not find it! Then I saw this all leather recliner, a break from our black, brown furniture but oo so comfy, I figured that if this lasted for another 20+ years we should go with comfort and high quality.

Delivered to our door it came in two pieces the back was quickly snapped on and the chairs feet bolted on. Of course placed strategically in front of the TV so that his highness would not have to " crane" his neck. Once assembled it was not long afterwards that a soft snoring could be heard. There was Ben sound asleep I guess the chair passed the test..

Now if I can only get him to work!!

Sometime a little ignoring pays off

I did something right! The only problem is it seems as if my apple trees have a blight and there will be no apples this year, however I was able to get all my other stock to flower. I have way too many hostas and lilly's but with no care they are easy keepers. These guys are a break from all my " greens"

Sunday 7 June 2015

I am not myself

I am still coughing and hacking, I did manage to get my house and yard up to snuff, the flowers in various planters and the lawn fertilized and reseeded. Soon to expect guests the house is getting cleaner by the minute, New pillows and bed memory foam topper. Next up to wash quilts oh and did I mention that I have one half started on the frame that I need to get too.

Ben has the summer pump up , the boat is ready for the river and hopefully in the next few days the river will be calm to drop it in.. The stairs are down to the river and an over abundance of branches line the shoreline for our big bonfire, when ever we get to that point!

I will take3 pics and be back with you soon!