Tuesday 30 July 2013

Handi Versa Tool play

Monday 29 July 2013

Here we are just needs backing and stitching

I procrastinated I have another quilt on the fame that I want to topstitch and it is going to be exciting but I have too many ideas to put on the quilt so I am taking a day of thought before I start. In the meantime I had yesterday stripped a few squares from my scarppy stash, I think it blends and probably you don't realize that not all are the same fabric. Ok now you do because I told you and now it has turned into Where's Waldo s

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Sunday 28 July 2013

Scrappy does it!

As I dig though my stash I find complimentary colors of reds, pale golds, burgundies in a pleasing palate. I now have 24 squares each 13" square. Some are a little variation of this. I had to be creative as I did not have enough strips of the same fabric to complete all the squares so that they will be identical. The more I sew there seem to be more scraps. I am obviously lightening my load of the fabric that was " awarded to me" but it does seem never ending.I am making each quilt from a different pattern, just to spice things up a little. As these are scrappy quilts then I can't go wrong! I have sorted the fabric in like groups by color, Oh I am hoping that I can, late in August, declare that I am almost at the end.. Will it ever happen? And to think these are not my scraps, I am pretty good myself and have very few scraps and inventory. I am almost organized enough in my purchases that I can almost guess the appropriate amount of fabric and nothing goes wasted. This has certainly been an adventure and it is hard to imagine all of the free entertainment it has brought, SO far so good. Now the task on hand is to get the last quilt on the frame and figure out how I can be creative with my batting trying to make it go as far as possible to fit all of my creations.

My latest thought is do I make some double sided quilts for summer that don't involve batting?
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Thursday 25 July 2013

Handi Quilter Versa Tool

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Clam Shells or 1/2 cirlces

Please note this is for reference only I am obviously just learning but wanted to show you my first attempts

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Wednesday 24 July 2013

My prototype

I made myself a little thread sock to keep my unwanted thread clippings as I sew. It is a sample and works pretty well.I have rice in the little sock that holds the pins. I am thinking it needs to be heavier Perhaps I should make the little sack larger or add sand instead of rice, Hmm I could use beans but I am not sure that the needles/pins would be able to stand up

We were up the creek with a paddle!

Ben and I went for a long boat ride yesterday admiring all the houses along the way when. Kerplunk
Nothing coming from the motor. OHOH. Ben had a long kayak paddle as our little on is ok for getting us going but we wondered how we would ever paddle the big boat. Well he did right into shore. He took stock of the situation when YIPPEE. The hose between the tank and motor had come loose. We were back in business, surprised that the motor clicked over with no problem. Like most we own it is an antique

Just needs borders

Finally the swirly quilt is finished, the back side really shows the detail. Boy was I dizzy!
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Saturday 20 July 2013

This is called strip twist

A friend made a striking quilt in this pattern, I had all sorts of scraps today and made this 4 X 5 now all I need are borders. It is very colorful and actually looks better in person. I am going to try the pattern with different fabrics and more variety. I am also going to follow the pattern as it should be and align the sqaures differently. I wanted to make 2 versions to see what I would like better. Don't think it matters the colors are what makes it and now I have to tone this one down with sensible borders- what ever that is!!

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Friday 19 July 2013

Another day in the life of Jane

The day srarted out just gull darn hot. The newscaster warning us to stay out of the heat and inside, today high of 45c with the humidity index that is 113F for my USA friends. By nine thirty we were drenched but had to buy groceries we ran in and out of the store and then home just in time to have all the groceries piled in the kitchen and the power goes out. Forced we were to have banana splits for lunch- sadly no cherries! The power snapped on and off, heavy rains , and winds. Ben had an extra supply source for the computer so all was well in his world. On the other hand we do have a generator and even fuel for it this week, the power outages did not last more than an hour so we didnt have to turn it on.

SO far so good, the ac is on full blast , the storms seem to have passed and maybe we will not have to suffer with ice cream delights for supper tonight

Thursday 18 July 2013

Every quilt needs a label

Self Portrait

Wednesday 17 July 2013

This is all the itsy bitsy pieces that I have put together

It will make a cute receiving blanket 
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Sunday 14 July 2013

My break is almost over!

Baby is it hot out there. I am so glad our house is on a shady lot.My decks need to be stained but not before I priss them up. They are now both power washed as well as the exterior of the house. Lucky the house is brick and it doesn't need to be stained.Then again if you knew how I painted I am sure you would wonder why we didn't make it all wood. I can safely say I spread the love when I wand my paintbrush , Yep me and the article I am painting are generously coated. Monday we have to go into town so we will look at the stain then and what we are up to and if I can get the color I want!

I had a broom that I swiped the cobwebs off the eaves. Hmm wonder where I left that sucker. I guess now I have to make another outing in that heat to locate the missing broom

Saturday 13 July 2013

Out with the old in with the new

I was using the gas mower that I bought when Jennifer went to kindergarten. I purchased the lovely green machine and used it before hubby came back from his business trip, It was a shinny self propelled and very expensive. I knew he would make me return it so I made sure I used it. Of course that was his first ? Can we return it,

Who knew it would last 25 years.. Now for another new mower this time the cheap electric one , no gas to lug, no self propeller to steer with one finger, but that is ok at least it is going to mow and right after lunch we are going to pick her up.

I guess now I will have to figure out a new name for my prized possession

Thursday 11 July 2013

Dizzy Yet??

I decided swirls were in order. EXCEPT I did not realize how tiny swirls make you dizzy and if you are not in control of the machine you get more squiggles than swirls. I am using a fine black isocord on the top and then a variegated thread on the underside.

Monday 8 July 2013

Wee is in the drink!

See how shinny those pontoons are? I hand etched and buffed last fall, let's see how long it lasts!

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Finally this big sucker is complete

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This quilt is an extra long king sized and look at all the strips....... AND my stash is still abundant

Sunday 7 July 2013

Almost there

The boat is in the driveway, powerwashed, safety equipment, Motor check tomorrow and then into the drink, Yippee. My Captain's Seat awaits!

Half Square triangle

Thanks to Missouri Quilts

I put two squares together, stitched around the perimeter and then sliced the two diagonals
and aligned the 4 squares to get the pinwheel effect. Easy Peasy

Tuesday 2 July 2013

From trash to my house

I had the table but someone was throwing out their cupboards so I got two decent looking ones, removed the handles. I had the table and wanted to snaz it up now I have a table top that matches my new flooring

Pretty pink frity tutty quilt

Deserves a ballerina top stitch! I copied the pantograph out of the dot to dot book , taped them in sequence.
Then I centered the pattern in the rows and there we go fishes!