Sunday 28 July 2013

Scrappy does it!

As I dig though my stash I find complimentary colors of reds, pale golds, burgundies in a pleasing palate. I now have 24 squares each 13" square. Some are a little variation of this. I had to be creative as I did not have enough strips of the same fabric to complete all the squares so that they will be identical. The more I sew there seem to be more scraps. I am obviously lightening my load of the fabric that was " awarded to me" but it does seem never ending.I am making each quilt from a different pattern, just to spice things up a little. As these are scrappy quilts then I can't go wrong! I have sorted the fabric in like groups by color, Oh I am hoping that I can, late in August, declare that I am almost at the end.. Will it ever happen? And to think these are not my scraps, I am pretty good myself and have very few scraps and inventory. I am almost organized enough in my purchases that I can almost guess the appropriate amount of fabric and nothing goes wasted. This has certainly been an adventure and it is hard to imagine all of the free entertainment it has brought, SO far so good. Now the task on hand is to get the last quilt on the frame and figure out how I can be creative with my batting trying to make it go as far as possible to fit all of my creations.

My latest thought is do I make some double sided quilts for summer that don't involve batting?
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