Thursday 31 July 2014

Sorry no room at the INN

We wondered what was under the house . We thought 1 pest not 4!!!
Locked up tight hope they are all out. Ben has rigged his camera up again to see what is next on the highinx with these critters!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

What is a poor little guy to do .. when you have the hiccups

Sunday 27 July 2014

Guess who appeared for Breakfast

Kevin and Jennifer are happy to announce the newest member of our family: Theodore Stuart Andrew McEleney 7 lbs 13 oz, 22" Born Friday July 25th, 2014 at 8:33am

And the star of the hour... Our MAN TED~~
I have to wait a few weeks for Ted's personal invitation to visit him, By that time he will be fully trained,and accepting visitations. We will see...

Thursday 24 July 2014

Some people have leftovers

Of a different type.. The last photo is the actual quilt made from itsy pieces of leftover fabrics. Then the picture below is the back side it is the baptist fan, Just needs a label and out the door it goes to a little person's crib. A lot of my stash had PINK it is and that would not be acceptable to the little boy that  is a new comer to the world....Off to Calgary in a few days

Wednesday 23 July 2014

White hair you say?

Plaster repair gal is here , reporting for work. My efforts paid off and although I wound not want to practice on anyone else's house I can definitely say it was an experience . Ben had to get the grinder out to sand down the painted plaster gunk that I did not see. WARNING- must wear glasses for fine work!

I applied 6 coats of pink spackle each coat turning white before I would apply the next. After a day of splat, spread and wait.. I lightly sanded the plaster to perfection , then applied my little skim coat and tomorrow coat #2. Then I will trott out to the garage and I am sure I have more white tremclad from my door experience and there we go, I can paint the basaboard heater in the room.

I am not sure how much more excitement Ben can take ... Until the next project............

Sunday 20 July 2014

Bird on a Wire

I zipped through this quilt in short order now for borders and label
The front is b/w 1/2 square triangles, I took a few shots of different angles so you can get the idea
Then I took pics of the back, it is much easier to see the design, it is actually a blue sheet on the back and it photographs poorly from my experience but it quilts up nicely

Thursday 17 July 2014

We went to Canadian tire today and got a great sale those  programmable electrical thermostats and they are for baseboard heaters . They were $59 for 5 originally I got 2 boxes for $2 each - Ben could not believe it I thought great deal and that I was getting one. !! Maybe my best buy this year

Don't hire me to do any painting. On a step stool my knee gave out SPLAT me and the paint, The burgundy rug also has white freckles, SO not to panic out comes the gasoline I am spotless the rug is not bad only a hint here and there which is good since 1/2 flew out of my hand.  The doors are done, the tape removed and tomorrow I get to glisten the glass and I am going to get Ben to put on the kick plate. There is a reason Ben hides. I know have one thing off my list. I might even be brave enough to paint the trim piece around the door a different color, I have paint and brushes and it is not a big job BUT can I behave!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

A good days work

Now to finish the binding and a label

They thought they could fool me!

Mouse in the house, Mouse 0 jane 2
I woke up at 5 am to rice strewn through the whole house, I got into the cupboard and found my trap with a little present. I took out all the containers in the cupboard and washed them with hot water javex and dish soap, more javex then anything, 3 hours later it was clean and then I started to wash the wood floors. I put a sign on the bedroom  door MOUSE ALERT. as Ben was still sleeping and it is his job to clean the traps. The house is now gleaming and every thing is large zip lock bags. Who would have guessed the little vermen would chew through my heat packs, It was a good thing to clean out the cupboards, scour everything.I relined the cupboards under the sinks. Then of course I decided to wash the wood floors it has been a week afterall, That little guy must have peed on my floor because the towel had a golden hue, YUCK. SO now it is Ben's turn. he is washing some tuperware containers out so that he can put his favorite snacks in, You can't say we are not in overhaul mode.

It has been a few years since we have had visitors , they picked the wrong house, Mouse Alert the Low are on attack
Ben is going to go down under into the crawl space and bomb and put out some mouse tidbits. How much more excitement can there be??

Saturday 12 July 2014

Building muscles

We had a tree taken down, Ben cuts I stack. We have a lot of branches leftover and they are lining the rock wall to be burned at a later date.This is what we have been doing after our morning coffee working in the wee hours when it is cool

Thursday 10 July 2014


One more bites the dust almost
I top stitched this with a larger design and on the right margin you can see the border that needs to be added. Hint hint

This is the flannel backing on the quilt


Some folks call these burp cloths but I like slurp cloths instead. I have only embroidered a few but 
there will be more in my future I assume. I stand by for instructions from new parents on the horizon

Saturday 5 July 2014

Deer Begone!

See those blue tarps? Well last night those deer found my hostas and took a few nips until the neighbors got the fireworks out, Boy I wish they would use them every night!! The hostas just got a little nip here and there. I am not taking any chances. I have so many but I would like to keep the ones closest to the house in good shape so here I am. I sprayed my stinky solution and then not taking any chances I put the tarps on the plants. I forgot I had a stash of over used tarps perfect for this use.

BRING it on deer lets see what you are up to tonight and how I will have to rearrange my paraphanalia. One thing for sure tbe neighbors cats came to investigate, maybe they could hide under there and scare the deer away  < BEEK A BOO

Can't go without a label

I made a pink quilt and I then had to put my mark on it! Can you see my self portrait and Fairy Wings

one Pregnant Environmentalist

Who thinks that everything should go green..............
One  mother who knows how to sew and you wonder what my task is?

Baby wipes
You know the type that you purchase in those cute little containers. Moistened just right to allow you to swipe wipe and pitch. Well think of reusable wipes to swipe wipe and wash.......... Yep they have me sewing baby bum wipers, I give them a week before they go and buy the disposable wipes. LOL But me being me I researched the wipes apparently the faces, mouths and bums have 3 different sizes so I have a selection , I also have another 20 to sew up that are cut and waiting on my sewing table, those are more boy friendly they are blue swirls. Heck what does a dirty baby know about color

Wednesday 2 July 2014


The smirk was because of course I was in the process of removing the quilt from him, it is a generous lapsized and has been trimmed, It just needs a label . I need to put my thinking cap on to see what I want to do on the back, Has to be original of course!!

 I have had a little quilting break and now I have to make up for lost time!