Wednesday 23 July 2014

White hair you say?

Plaster repair gal is here , reporting for work. My efforts paid off and although I wound not want to practice on anyone else's house I can definitely say it was an experience . Ben had to get the grinder out to sand down the painted plaster gunk that I did not see. WARNING- must wear glasses for fine work!

I applied 6 coats of pink spackle each coat turning white before I would apply the next. After a day of splat, spread and wait.. I lightly sanded the plaster to perfection , then applied my little skim coat and tomorrow coat #2. Then I will trott out to the garage and I am sure I have more white tremclad from my door experience and there we go, I can paint the basaboard heater in the room.

I am not sure how much more excitement Ben can take ... Until the next project............