Tuesday 24 May 2016

Monkey see Monkey doo

Any hints what type of tree this is? Yes it is a Monkey tree with or without the little fuzzies

Slish Splash I was taking a bath

Why not .. Only at Walmart- be aware where you walk

what happens when your sewing machine bobbin winder is toast

The bobbin winder little wheel that turns the spindle has worn so badly there is nothing to do but replace it , with no time we came up with this...

Monday 16 May 2016

Sydney Stroll

Check out the Sidney Seaside Sculpture Walk

I was getting all ready to post my scrappy pictures when I found this link. You too can take the tour of Sydney and when you press on the picture you are interested in up pop's a guide with explanation of the sculptures around the water front.

How wonderful it would be

Can you just imagine how wonderful my little burger would be cooked on a purple grill? Ben is looking at the stainless steel grills and of course I am looking at the pretty one. Wonder how long it will last once the heat hits the grill... I have not been too convincing today , perhaps I need to send him to another part of the store while I stash, pay and dash to the car... what is your thought?

Sunday 8 May 2016

I may have over done it a little.. As some of you may have gathered by now I love a sparkling house and Vinegar is my best friend............ Well.......... first I GLISTENED the windows with a dab of dishwashing soap diluted in water and vinegar, yes I can see my reflection and they are pretty shinny...

I guess I forgot that I filled my spray bottle with straight vinegar, using it to spray the lawn to stop the neighbors dog from visiting my nice green grass, by the way it did the trick. Now for the problem.

I was being smart, or so I thought when I attacked the bathroom with the spray of vinegar and the paper towels. Holy smokes straight vinegar used in a small powder room can asphyxiate you ! But my counter top and sink and you should see the pearly white porcelain throne- all as shinny as they day there were born.

Of course my lungs have opened up and every cell as I breathed in the solution and I wonder if it is as effective with cleaning and clearing them with the vinegar as my kitchen and bath are sporting a twinkle. Of course I did not turn on the ventilation fan until after I got a good dose of fumes, that fan is pretty strong  but that first 5 minutes was an eye watering adventure, I am not sure what I can do next to prove I have more lives that that pesky cat next door

Thursday 5 May 2016

Wired who me?

I have had 3 hours of sleep last night, coughed my head off all day- rats to that Asthma.

I am so wide awake which should not be the case, as the story goes.... Some of you have probably heard me whine about this cough 18 months in the making, with a one month hiatus. I have found no cure, my Dr's prescriptions are not putting a dent in this cough and I am not used to taking drugs to begin with.

However, what we found was about 1/2 package of Neon Citreon ( you know that lemon drink laced with antihistamines and tylenol) usually does the trick in stopping this unusual cough that I have. But not today , I have been weaning myself off of it and not doing badly, the old fellow is sick of my constant hack.

So here I am one full package later, not blinking , fully wound for at least the next 6 hours. I wonder if I shouldn't get a moonlighting job. I hear that neighborhood watch can be an exciting adventure.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Do you know how hard it is for me to sit still?

Well maybe..

A neighbour gave me a book yesterday evening and I returned it at 7 am - finished,
She can't believe that I can read that fast maybe I can't either. I was not a prolific reader in school, in fact I was God awful in the English Literary world, my thought is I was lazy and didn't want to waste any precious time..

Well obviously I had time last night. I am a slow reader usually but when the mood takes me I devour books. I go through them quickly but in spurts, I am not one to read on a designated night or even had a quota each week. Truth be told I would rather read manuals, technical information and absorb what is happening and why. History , especially local history is interesting to me as well.

Romantic novels are good door stops in my world. I can't understand why anyone would waste their time reading make believe. I have a tight schedule it is called in the land of the living and lets' get on with it! Besides there is always some textile fiber calling my name, LOL

The good news is my bad habits and faults did not jump into the next generation- must by the father's influence. SO what am I doing tonight? Well readying of sorts, I am updating websites for others with pertinent material. My English Teacher is turning in her grave as she is wonder just when did i have that epiphany - yep I am 50 years late but at least I finally got it!

WE went to Ben's old homestead and a little beyond

Sooke's popularity as a scenic tourist destination has existed for generations. Well-known destinations in Sooke, such as Whiffin Spit Park, the Sooke Potholes Regional Park, and adjacent Sooke Potholes Provincial Park attract visitors both locally and from around the world. Sooke is also home to the Sooke Region Museum and Visitor Centre; where visitors and locals are able to get information on regional attractions and history. The area's popularity has increased as a base for visiting the wilderness parks of Vancouver Island's southwest coast — the West Coast Trail and the Juan de Fuca Provincial Park which includes the now highly popular Juan de Fuca Marine Trail. Sooke, BC is also famous for its beaches just on the outskirts of its neighboring communities such as Shirley and Jordan River. These beaches include Sandcut, French beach, Fishboat bay, China beach, Mystic beach, and more.
Back country recreation, or off-road recreation brings a constant stream of 4X4s, quads, ATVs, dirt bikes, and home built off-highway vehicles through Sooke as people search out back country access. Hundreds of kilometres of logging roads thread through the hills north of Sooke in the Rural Resource Lands of the Juan de Fuca electoral area, enabling access to several community lakes and small reservoirs. Two large reservoirs, Bear Creek and Diversion, are popular destinations north and west of Sooke.
Mountain biking is growing in popularity in British Columbia, and Sooke is establishing itself as a destination for the sport. Local advocacy groups such as the Sooke Bike Club are working to have areas such as Broom Hill set aside as parkland.
The Galloping Goose Regional Trail, part of the Trans-Canada Trail, runs through Sooke and is a popular cycling route to Victoria. ( thanks to Wikipedia-