Wednesday 4 May 2016

Do you know how hard it is for me to sit still?

Well maybe..

A neighbour gave me a book yesterday evening and I returned it at 7 am - finished,
She can't believe that I can read that fast maybe I can't either. I was not a prolific reader in school, in fact I was God awful in the English Literary world, my thought is I was lazy and didn't want to waste any precious time..

Well obviously I had time last night. I am a slow reader usually but when the mood takes me I devour books. I go through them quickly but in spurts, I am not one to read on a designated night or even had a quota each week. Truth be told I would rather read manuals, technical information and absorb what is happening and why. History , especially local history is interesting to me as well.

Romantic novels are good door stops in my world. I can't understand why anyone would waste their time reading make believe. I have a tight schedule it is called in the land of the living and lets' get on with it! Besides there is always some textile fiber calling my name, LOL

The good news is my bad habits and faults did not jump into the next generation- must by the father's influence. SO what am I doing tonight? Well readying of sorts, I am updating websites for others with pertinent material. My English Teacher is turning in her grave as she is wonder just when did i have that epiphany - yep I am 50 years late but at least I finally got it!