Saturday 30 August 2014

Just my luck

Hubby had a little accident and is a gimp, he can hardly walk with his bruised swollen foot and bruised hip. But we just can't let him sit quietly can we. I found him a job by accident!!
I was innocently cleaning the kitchen whennnnnnnnnnnnn I was swinging the faucet from one sink to the other, as I coaxed it to it's original position over the main sink , YIKES. The faucet shaft loosened from its collar. No water just jet but a very unstable faucet ready to leak BIGTIME> OH BEN............... A few years ago he installed shut off valves under all sinks thank goodness!!! Off comes everything and it was soon apparent we were seized and the copper pipe extensions corroded,off to the local hardware. There on the shelf were a few faucets just what I had and reasonably priced, I probably switched to that from the original one because of the attractive price. So with credit card in hand I decided to buy the mid priced faucet pretty as it was!

Poor Ben ran into all sorts of glitches that Teflon Tape that had a mind of it's own The shelf under the sink that did not allow the faucet spray extension to recoil. Several tries later we were in business and now to keep that Faucet shinny as new

Thursday 28 August 2014

I am spent.................

The breeze is brisk the waves are cresting. Rain is sure to come.
Now what I am doing besides answering emails? Trying to save what little nails I have, Oh my hands............ I haven't had nice hands since I worked once I quit beauty routine was off!!!! I pried the dirt from my nails, filed them to a shape , vaseline my cuticles and here I am half done,; LOL I am so dirty but I finally have half decent nails... The talk shows is playing and of course I have 1/2 ear tuned to it, I am waying out my options- shower or no shower? Hot water or is it going to be stone cold ( Ben put a timer on it as our hydro is more during the day then at night so it heats at the right time) so MANY DECISIONS... Will I stay clean until supper and what do I have planned that I could in any stretch of the imagination get filthy.

The rain is coming this weekend so I will have plenty of time to play with that white/blue quilt and FINISH IT!! You heard me correctly I have a plan to get her done and off the frame.

SO Being a long weekend what is the chance that we will have guests? If so the house is spotless, I really love having guests except when I have something on my mind I want to finish and then I am not so attentive. I am sure I had a little attention trouble when I was younger. Now I think it is full blown, when I get onto something I don't let go till it is done, LOL. Yesterday for every hour I spent outside working I spent 1/2 hr break inside cleaning and doing laundry - so let the Queen come!

Then again she is less likely to come to my humble abode but she may send her representatives

I am on a 15 minute break!

From what you ask? My neighbors refuse to weed and my lovely lawn has turned to weed seed and where is why

Creeping Woodsorrel

Creeping woodsorrel is a major weed in turf, ornamental plantings, and nurseries. Infested container stock can contaminate uninfested landscapes. As seedpods mature and expel seeds, creeping woodsorrel spreads from container to container, from flower bed to flower bed, or across ornamental plantings. Creeping woodsorrel can establish rapidly in semishaded areas of new or established grass lawns or low-growing perennial ground covers. It spreads during mowing and other cultural operations.

Once established, it is very competitive, because it grows year-round. This makes it particularly troublesome in warm season turf species such as bermudagrass or perennial groundcovers that have a dormancy period.

SO what does JANE DO????

I have a yard weeder a metal contraption that is 3 foot tall with a foot pedal, I am digging out every bit of this creature and have all the waterfront lawn done and 90% of the roadside lawn. Shame how the neighbors with the nicest sod let it go to seed and it has infiltrated my yard, BUT not for long. It is a boring process but has to be done. The weather is perfect today cool and not muggy. However in the back 20' I have nothing but weed so it is looking a little thin and sad. Hopefully as I am done I will fertilize and water . Maybe I might spring for some new seed but the area will look a whole lot better. The area was decieving it was lush and green - weeds weeds everywhere

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Something to think about!!

Monday 25 August 2014

Snuggle bunny

I created this baby sling to carry little Ted, it is made of blue swirley cotton flannel and because the backing is white I created a little baby label to offset the dull back

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Just my luck

When there is so much to do and so little time ................... Of course it happens to me!!!
Gout right on my short little toe next to the great toe.. Geesh it may slow me down a tich and cause me to stop and itch but I have a plan , a schedule and a list. Hippity Hop until  I get my chores done.
Tomorrow is another day and hope that I get going and back up to snuff!

Monday 18 August 2014

Here he is ..

I saw little TEDDY in person got to hold, squeeze and change him . He is a cutie for sure!!!
Now back home and to reality

Thursday 7 August 2014

SO I am up to mischief

This is my newest project, I am thinking that I should stop challenging myself. LOL
The appliques blocks are getting feathers in the top and bottom corners,it is not easy to photo because it is white on white. The plain white block is getting a feather block and all the blue sashing is getting a melon feather as shown in the pic below. This is going to take me some time, I will get a week with no quilting so when I come back home I will have to work double time

Friday 1 August 2014

Ted's World