Thursday 28 August 2014

I am spent.................

The breeze is brisk the waves are cresting. Rain is sure to come.
Now what I am doing besides answering emails? Trying to save what little nails I have, Oh my hands............ I haven't had nice hands since I worked once I quit beauty routine was off!!!! I pried the dirt from my nails, filed them to a shape , vaseline my cuticles and here I am half done,; LOL I am so dirty but I finally have half decent nails... The talk shows is playing and of course I have 1/2 ear tuned to it, I am waying out my options- shower or no shower? Hot water or is it going to be stone cold ( Ben put a timer on it as our hydro is more during the day then at night so it heats at the right time) so MANY DECISIONS... Will I stay clean until supper and what do I have planned that I could in any stretch of the imagination get filthy.

The rain is coming this weekend so I will have plenty of time to play with that white/blue quilt and FINISH IT!! You heard me correctly I have a plan to get her done and off the frame.

SO Being a long weekend what is the chance that we will have guests? If so the house is spotless, I really love having guests except when I have something on my mind I want to finish and then I am not so attentive. I am sure I had a little attention trouble when I was younger. Now I think it is full blown, when I get onto something I don't let go till it is done, LOL. Yesterday for every hour I spent outside working I spent 1/2 hr break inside cleaning and doing laundry - so let the Queen come!

Then again she is less likely to come to my humble abode but she may send her representatives