Thursday 28 August 2014

I am on a 15 minute break!

From what you ask? My neighbors refuse to weed and my lovely lawn has turned to weed seed and where is why

Creeping Woodsorrel

Creeping woodsorrel is a major weed in turf, ornamental plantings, and nurseries. Infested container stock can contaminate uninfested landscapes. As seedpods mature and expel seeds, creeping woodsorrel spreads from container to container, from flower bed to flower bed, or across ornamental plantings. Creeping woodsorrel can establish rapidly in semishaded areas of new or established grass lawns or low-growing perennial ground covers. It spreads during mowing and other cultural operations.

Once established, it is very competitive, because it grows year-round. This makes it particularly troublesome in warm season turf species such as bermudagrass or perennial groundcovers that have a dormancy period.

SO what does JANE DO????

I have a yard weeder a metal contraption that is 3 foot tall with a foot pedal, I am digging out every bit of this creature and have all the waterfront lawn done and 90% of the roadside lawn. Shame how the neighbors with the nicest sod let it go to seed and it has infiltrated my yard, BUT not for long. It is a boring process but has to be done. The weather is perfect today cool and not muggy. However in the back 20' I have nothing but weed so it is looking a little thin and sad. Hopefully as I am done I will fertilize and water . Maybe I might spring for some new seed but the area will look a whole lot better. The area was decieving it was lush and green - weeds weeds everywhere