Tuesday 29 October 2013

NO wonder I have white hair

SO the days starts, the leak in the rv is fixed. We then make a trip to the car fix it shop and low and behold! We need two sets of brakes, new rotors and new back ballbearing, OK the price is not terrible and we bite the bullet and will take the car in on Thursday. Then it happened the car motor started to heat up and we pulled over, I purchased antifreeze at the shop next door to where we stopped. Once the reserve took the juice we went on our way. The engine cooled and Ben came in for a cold drink before looking at the car. In the meantime he lost and I found the car keys,under the car he went, Well the nerve the 30 yr old car's water pump sprung a leak in the system, SO I may be eating gruel on Thursday once we get the bill from the repair shop............ Then again we are talking of a lot of original parts!

Monday 28 October 2013

Here it is

I made the applique with my accuquilt cutter die, now I have it assembled as a double sized, I will add another border PROBABLY. It is destined for my longarm machine once I return home this spring,. Bring on the fabric

Saturday 26 October 2013

Ther are some that should not be given internet privileges

I made the fatal mistake. I left a response about a particular chair that one was wanting to use for her quilting endeavors for a long arm

In a former life I was an Occupational Health Nurse and full of ergonomic training. I used to purchase the saddle chairs for some people that couldn't stand on their feet to do their work for long hours. There were several considerations (1) the casters- there are types for carpets and types of tile floors .(2) did the chair have a hydraulic lift so - you know the type that when you sit on it, the chair has an adjustable height. If it was to be on carpeting and the wheels were the tiny ones for tile floor I could purchase the vinyl often sold for office areas- it is similar to the clear vinyl you would use as a carpet protector ( the one with the points on the underside that dug into the rug) If that is the way you want to go , you might check out barber shop supplies, safety supplies and office supply stores for the best prices

The response I got back was how do you move it. Well (1) above may be the first clue. Trying not to be impolite I tried rehashing my answer into more graphic detail

The stool has casters, so like your shopping cart you can wheel around the room. If you worked in an office you may have had chairs with casters and rolled over to poke your neighbor. As it has no arms you can snuggle up close, think of a bar stool. And if you grew up in my house we had an island and bar stools before they were popular . Obviously no problem in getting to the food. It is all in the beholders eyes. Depends what one is looking for, and what suits your needs. These saddle chairs are slim line and not bulky . Picture this you have your hands busy , your foot on the right placed on the floor, your left foot on the chair rung. Then it happens every so gently you " push off" with your right foot gliding peacefully to the left. Tippity tap tap. At the end of the row you change your foot position and glide to the right, Hm kind of sounds as if we are getting ready for skate season or buns of steel!

OK so I might be up on charges soon, prepare bail money. See the trouble I get into, now one would think I would learn to behave

Friday 25 October 2013

Flea Market

Today we went to the Market of Marion to get our fruit and veggies, there were no crowds and we walked for what seemed like miles! From clothing to textiles, dollar store and market gardeners Marion had them all. A
large area was roped off in preparation for a jeep trial, looks comparable to a dirt bike course. Glad it is not on today and I will be no where near the festivites. Even the thought makes me think Bench Nurse!!!

We are pooped after our jaunt and I think I found Ben !

Sunday 20 October 2013

jumped and tumbled

My scrappy tumbler quilt is together, borders in place, and as I see it I used a lot of tumblers and still have more scraps, Oh brother.......................................................

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Saturday 19 October 2013

Push pull drag

Here it is our " Boutique" at the Park an assortment of collectibles soon to be sent for scrap metal
See the grey shelf that I push pulled and dragged here, one of the shelves were so rusted that it was destined for the boutique. So back it went, traded for a smaller version. I climbed to the top of the pile and rescued a smaller shelf that was reasonable shape and it is now in my shed. Now to look at the other stuff that I have in the shed and what should I pull out! and what should I save. Hmm  better ask MR on a cooler day!

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We put these in the orange tree last summer

Tons of buds and hope that they last, for our season, Surprised to find that once again they did so well

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Not even miracle grown

Everything is sprouting like crazy. My bougainvallia and palm were oh so tiny compared to this. Must have had a comfortable summer

I got our my BBQ and planters and moved a bush, hope it will all thicken up soon
The climbing vine on the shed is a mandeville and looks like pink trumpet flowers
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Friday 18 October 2013


I cut hunders of quilt tumbler pieces had them all arranged on the table in the right sequence and carefully planned. When it happened. Overturning the table and guess what was on the floor, you got it many colorful pieces. Hubby and I spent the next 2 hours reorganizing all those little pieces in the right order. Next time I will have a master sheet, label the pieces on the back. Oh heck I will just run away from home .......LOL it is now almost all together and tomorrow piecing and borders will be on.. What next!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Did you think you lost me?

Not so ...... Here we are nestled into our winter home
The RV is scrubbed, the garden trimmed, groceries stocked up and after our yardman comes tomorrow I hope to start stacking my lawn furniture and planters outside! Baby it is hot out there with 30 degrees it is a might sweltering, Thank goodness for air conditioning!

And the routine begins, the internet is now connnected, and we are almost on track with our walking routine. My knee is killing me but I have learned to ice, walk ice again and it seems to be paying off! SO now if I can keep the muzzle on we will do fine, HAHA

Friday 11 October 2013

Ben's new profile

As he prepares for his southern exposure

Tuesday 8 October 2013

You know our time has come to an end when

Out come the laneway markers and the shovel.. The weather is still lovely but you never know it could turn at any moment and so we are prepared- yep prepared to leave town for the sunny south! 
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One minute green, one minute golden

Funny how these tree know I want to leave town and they wait to the last minute to drop 
 Still more looking down on me , taunting me........
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Friday 4 October 2013

Jane's apples

This is from my miniature granny smith apple tree
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Ben's load

There are about 20 not counted for. This is from the Golden Delicious tree that Ben loves I have not put mine in a bucket.I just pick, peel and eat Soon my tree will get picked. Looks as if we had 10 gallons off the miniature tree........... See what happens next year!