Saturday 26 October 2013

Ther are some that should not be given internet privileges

I made the fatal mistake. I left a response about a particular chair that one was wanting to use for her quilting endeavors for a long arm

In a former life I was an Occupational Health Nurse and full of ergonomic training. I used to purchase the saddle chairs for some people that couldn't stand on their feet to do their work for long hours. There were several considerations (1) the casters- there are types for carpets and types of tile floors .(2) did the chair have a hydraulic lift so - you know the type that when you sit on it, the chair has an adjustable height. If it was to be on carpeting and the wheels were the tiny ones for tile floor I could purchase the vinyl often sold for office areas- it is similar to the clear vinyl you would use as a carpet protector ( the one with the points on the underside that dug into the rug) If that is the way you want to go , you might check out barber shop supplies, safety supplies and office supply stores for the best prices

The response I got back was how do you move it. Well (1) above may be the first clue. Trying not to be impolite I tried rehashing my answer into more graphic detail

The stool has casters, so like your shopping cart you can wheel around the room. If you worked in an office you may have had chairs with casters and rolled over to poke your neighbor. As it has no arms you can snuggle up close, think of a bar stool. And if you grew up in my house we had an island and bar stools before they were popular . Obviously no problem in getting to the food. It is all in the beholders eyes. Depends what one is looking for, and what suits your needs. These saddle chairs are slim line and not bulky . Picture this you have your hands busy , your foot on the right placed on the floor, your left foot on the chair rung. Then it happens every so gently you " push off" with your right foot gliding peacefully to the left. Tippity tap tap. At the end of the row you change your foot position and glide to the right, Hm kind of sounds as if we are getting ready for skate season or buns of steel!

OK so I might be up on charges soon, prepare bail money. See the trouble I get into, now one would think I would learn to behave