Wednesday 28 March 2012

views from the " new home away from home"

This is the Patient care pavillion that opened in Sept and Dad is up way up on the 6th floor

Below is the Apple blossoms that line the street

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On holiday ( click here)

Helloo from beautiful Victoria, as most of you may or may not know DAD and I are holidaying in Victoria, BC. Well not quite Dad has been incarcerated into the patient care center for well over a month,I am ( apparently ) his medical consult. It has been a rocky road and soon we will be discharged.

Every day I walk to the hospital which is a mile from the house, I do this walk at least twice a day, Getting to the 6th floor is a mere 144 stairs which I do 4 times a day.I better have buns of steal!!

On Friday we should be out of the hospital and a week of fun and play, we have planned out our restaurants and our tours... we will keep you in our thoughts as we journal our activities

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Dash 8 ...aka dingy on wheels

SO this am I got up at 5 and had breakfast and headed for the airport.
Once there I flew from Ottawa to Vancouver no problem
Then I got the shock of my life
The gat doors opened no plane no little hallway - wild driving rain and seasonal elements. I scurried across the tarmac, through my carry on onto a trolley
Climbed about 8 steps on a skinny ricketty staircase. AND then it hit me. I was on a plane of 40 folks and who would be at the end of the plane on the bank of seats that line the tail. ME. The plane rocked and rolled and up and down swining motion. It pitched in tne driving rain. It was no comfort to see that the O@ and nitrogen taniks were stored right behind my seat. EGADS. I made it ..

All I can say is DAD you OWE ME!!

Saturday 10 March 2012

Glad I avoided this pothole

Apparently the thaw freeze of this winter has taken it's tole
We purchased new tires for our car and have taken a safer route around teh
" Tire Grave"

See the Hills on the Quebec side of the river

The river is barely frozen and last night the skidoos went by my window. They hugged the shoreline. Good thing I was not going to go out in my pj's and rescue them. BRRR. The greenery at the property line marks the stone wall that separates me from the river. These are branches from the trees we cut down. Once dry we are going to have one hum dinger of a bondfire!
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What is that white stuff!

After a few days drive we found home. We saw no snow throughout the Northern States but here we are.
The weatherman saved us a bit of white stuff, notice the car is outside?? WE can't get into our garage the snow is piled in front of it and the trailer in side, perhaps it will soon be accessible.. Ben's poor baby.
We are lucky that the snow is slight and the weather is milder than expected. Maybe soon we will
be acclimatized!
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Tuesday 6 March 2012

Florence , SC

Just a tad nippy!! After about 470 miles we have stopped for the day
WE are staying at the lovely Baymont Inn in FLorence, SC.
The drive was clear, no accidents and the traffic moved well.
Must be something wrong with this, have to see what tomorrow will bring

WE managed to leave about 8:30 this am and pulled into the motel at 4:30. Luckily I was armed with coupons the price is a steep $54 but a gorgeous room, fruit and cookies while you are at reception . I saved $20 with my coupon the lady behind me was going to pay $75 for the same thing, UNTIL she heard me squak I would like the best guest rate. Out she went to do through her truck for goodies and coupons

I am starving-- GOOD news there is a Crackerbarrel next door. YUMMY
Stay tuned for more adventures