Tuesday 29 October 2013

NO wonder I have white hair

SO the days starts, the leak in the rv is fixed. We then make a trip to the car fix it shop and low and behold! We need two sets of brakes, new rotors and new back ballbearing, OK the price is not terrible and we bite the bullet and will take the car in on Thursday. Then it happened the car motor started to heat up and we pulled over, I purchased antifreeze at the shop next door to where we stopped. Once the reserve took the juice we went on our way. The engine cooled and Ben came in for a cold drink before looking at the car. In the meantime he lost and I found the car keys,under the car he went, Well the nerve the 30 yr old car's water pump sprung a leak in the system, SO I may be eating gruel on Thursday once we get the bill from the repair shop............ Then again we are talking of a lot of original parts!