Saturday 2 November 2013

It is true I am alive

Hi there

Ok we are not quite melting today , it has rained heavily for the past 2 hours I am not complaining as it has been hovering around low 30's C this week a great change about 5 degrees cooler than last week. We got new brakes and rotors on the car and now for a new water pump I guess after 30 years the old car is saying it is time to replace the originals. The brake/ rotor job was slightly under $300 so that was good, we know it would cost us a lot more and most of our friends get their work done here especially when the tax is only 6%.We have to wait 3 days for the pump to be delivered by UPS to the fix it shop, That is no problem we have a restaurant here and tons of activities. SO far so good we have not been in any direct line for flooding or tornadoes we must be batting 100!

We found a small leak into the bathroom right from the ceiling just missing the toilet! The weather was dry and Ben got on that roof and we did a lot of leak tests and reparging of the vents, suddenly when it was later in the day and the reflection on the roof was less the old fellar saw a nail hole right in the middle of the roof. THANKGOODNESS> SO we put the sealer on it, waited a day another leak test with the trusty hose and BOB's your uncle, with the torrential rain today we are glad we are dry but better yet it is a good test!

I have gone off all bread and baked products and my arthritis has really improved. I am also biking and of course I love to walk all with little pain, so hoping I am on the upswing. I have only golfed once but hope that by Monday it will dry out and I can get back into my old routine

My garden is all in bloom and my BBQ ( old BBQ used as a planter) is as usual a big hit! My orchids are in bloom and the orange tree is not bad - we really cut it back last year so not as many blossoms and fruit, We are still eating our apples from home.

I visited the fabric shop twice with really good coupons buying only background fabric as I brought a lot of fabric with me, His highness is wonder how I am doing going through withdrawal! I am determined to visit it only on an as needed or dire circumstances. Ben is counting the days for me to give in . Yesterday 60% coupons arrived. Lets see how I can do with fabric rehab.LOL

We have a new pet the greco's are plentiful and one ran into the rv and is playing mouse- good news is that they don't bite and not likely to jump into bed with me, They are very quick and very scared of humans