Thursday 5 May 2016

Wired who me?

I have had 3 hours of sleep last night, coughed my head off all day- rats to that Asthma.

I am so wide awake which should not be the case, as the story goes.... Some of you have probably heard me whine about this cough 18 months in the making, with a one month hiatus. I have found no cure, my Dr's prescriptions are not putting a dent in this cough and I am not used to taking drugs to begin with.

However, what we found was about 1/2 package of Neon Citreon ( you know that lemon drink laced with antihistamines and tylenol) usually does the trick in stopping this unusual cough that I have. But not today , I have been weaning myself off of it and not doing badly, the old fellow is sick of my constant hack.

So here I am one full package later, not blinking , fully wound for at least the next 6 hours. I wonder if I shouldn't get a moonlighting job. I hear that neighborhood watch can be an exciting adventure.