Saturday 5 July 2014

one Pregnant Environmentalist

Who thinks that everything should go green..............
One  mother who knows how to sew and you wonder what my task is?

Baby wipes
You know the type that you purchase in those cute little containers. Moistened just right to allow you to swipe wipe and pitch. Well think of reusable wipes to swipe wipe and wash.......... Yep they have me sewing baby bum wipers, I give them a week before they go and buy the disposable wipes. LOL But me being me I researched the wipes apparently the faces, mouths and bums have 3 different sizes so I have a selection , I also have another 20 to sew up that are cut and waiting on my sewing table, those are more boy friendly they are blue swirls. Heck what does a dirty baby know about color