Wednesday 28 August 2013

Pay it forward
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pay it forward is a term describing the beneficiary of a good deed repaying it to others instead of to the original benefactor. The concept is old, but the phrase may have been coined by Lily Hardy Hammond in her 1916 book In the Garden of Delight.[1]

"Pay it forward" is implemented in contract law of loans in the concept of third party beneficiaries. Specifically, the creditor offers the debtor the option of paying the debt forward by lending it to a third person instead of paying it back to the original creditor. Debt and payments can be monetary or by good deeds. A related type of transaction, which starts with a gift instead of a loan, is alternative giving.

In the past month Pay it Forward has hit Ottawa mainly at Tim Horton's where a patron pays for customers to follow. leaving them a free coffee with their name on it!! I had a similar opportunity lately. In the hospital cafeteria I noticed a young girl in front of me, it was 8 am and she was pretty hungry. She had no money and the hospital cafeteria would not take a debit card. Probably there was a machine somewhere close. This was my line.... I jumped in , probably scaring the girl, insisting that she put the food down as I paid for it and she could continue on her day. For less than $3 I made a new friend, was confident she was not going to faint from hunger, and had my chance to " pay forward"

SO now the ? is how you are going to pay forward