Thursday 29 August 2013

Double Decker??

To all my quilting friends

I just want to pass this by you in case you have some direction for me

Here is my problem

I have now a Bailey on a handiquilter frame
I have yet to get a PC quilter-hopefully on Sunday

I hate clutter and wasted space and I don't want to waste my nice carriage

SOOOOOOOOO here is what I was thinking

Double Decker quilting, If the Bailey on the Frame is a little higher- say chest level Is there any reason that I can put the PC quilter and a midarm on a lower deck? My logic thinks it would be ok, and exercise wise those squats will be great for my buns of steel. If the PC quilter is automated I should be able to just pay attention on initial set up and when the bobbin runs out. if I have a little low level foot stool I can then stoop, sit and replenish. Think Bunk beds , but bunk bed frames filled with quilting machines

NO I am not running a factory I just want to have less realestate space Have the option of using the two machines depending on what I want to do................ Am I having too much fun??????????? Or am I just plain old trouble