Tuesday 19 February 2013

Don't Harass the fix it guy!!

Day two and lets see what happens!

Yesterday I took our squeaky car in for repair, I had interviewed the garage and made sure that they were able to do what needed to be done,let alone work on a German import. Everything is fine and dandy yes MAM! So Ben and I dropped off the car, we had a neighbor escort. I had checked with 2 neighbors who said the place was reputable..

Well they picked the wrong person to cheat!~ The car was supposedly fixed until you made a right turn out of the car lot. I drove a mile, pulled a few wheelies in the shopping lot and low and behold the fix it place was worthless. Not only did they not perform the most important test that we asked to be done, they screwed up and replaced the back brakes leaving the front untouched.

They must have heard me coming ( literally) and met me in the driveway, the car repair owner did not want me in his shop, Well of course I was livid. I said to him " did you hear me come down the street with this squeak". Then he said he test drove it 6 times around his building - note all left hand turns. Now he did another test drive the car is now screaming on stops and right turns. It was not only the money it was the fact they LIED to me, then they told me they were performing the oil and differential check which they could never do because they did not have the equipment...They told me they were replacing my brakes after a brake inspection and they did not do one or else they would have found the front was the problem not the back.

I dropped the car off at 8 am the first person there and the car was not looked at until 3 and I got a call at 4:20 that the car was ready, note the garage closes at 5. I was back in the lot at 4:30. Yet to be inconvenienced one more day, I thought they should miss their supper and fix me up , as they kept me waiting all day for a half ass job

So today I am slotted in for 9:30 when the rotors on the front will be turned FOR FREE!I guess the look on my face and the stern voice made them think they do not want this ticked off Canadian to explode.

Check back to see if the car guy survives me, I am off to see him and once the brakes are done I am off to the transmission service to see what they can do for me. Hopefully I won't meet another idiot today and please pray for those I meet!