Saturday 11 June 2011

Back on board


Now that we are home, not a minute to spare. Boat work is calling us!! We blew off the floor, removed wires and steering cables. Then the big job- the floor---we divided our work surface in half, glued with vinyl cement and the appropriate trowel.Then slowly rolled the flooring in place, working with 8 X 3 foot sections we managed without a wrinkle.

Once each section was laid I took my rolling pin working from the center to the selvage. After it looked perfectly smoothed I then got up on the deck and slowly very slowly inched my feet across the deck so that the glued would surely be grabbing the felt on the back of the vinyl.

The best news is that we beet the rain in the forecast
WE have to wait 48 hours for the floor to perfectly dry
I will check tomorrow for any bubbles that appear.

Then we can start working on our fences to put them back, just think of the cheap hours of entertainment I have provided for " Dear Hubby". I am sure that he will thank me in a year or two .... So far this adventure has cost us $300 I have thought that the remake may come in at $500. I may surprise myself yet!

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