Thursday 9 September 2010

Wish I had legs like this gal!

The Heron mates for life I am told..
For at least a decade we had one pesky critter that would land on my boat top preying for unsuspecting fishes below. As he or she glided over the water top their wingspan five feet wide,they would swoon over their prey. Showing off their white underbelly and grey feathers on top. I suspect that white underbelly would camouflage the bird to be mistaken as a lowly cloud to the said fish.
The old fellar must have finally died or given in. We now have two birds on our beach overseeing the Canadian Goose ( Lincoln Goose to the Yanks). They appear to stand on guard within a few meters of each other. We have never seen two mates before, how exciting! Maybe next spring we will see a whole family of the lanky stick like creatures!