Thursday 9 September 2010

Times are a changing and I have to keep up.......

One little phone and 7 hours later.
The phone beeped at 7:30 am my daughter text me she was in line for a phone - 30 people ahead of her. 4 hours later there were 5 people in front of her. 7 hours later she had to report for work - no phone in hand. She sweet talked them into holding the phone until tonight when she could pick it up, She had after all waited in line all these hours.

SO what is wrong with this picture.
Small cute black phone of mass communication that you have to sign a contract for and owe the phone company oodles. AND YOU HAVE TO wait in line to pay for that pleasure? What ever happened to the customer that waited for the vendor to treat them to sales pitches ? Instead the vendor is dictating and the customers are reporting in - in droves!

Now I ask you - do you think that they are spending my old age retirement fund. Aren't they supposed to be saving for my old age home?