Monday 11 January 2010

Will it or Won't it????????????

In the past three days my newspaper has gone missing once delivered. I outsmarted myself one am by getting up extra early to retrieve the local news rag. This am I saw a bright light in the yard, went out to investigate and noticed that all my neighbors have their papers but me.. I checked high and low under cars and bushes. I am waiting to see if there is another paper run, and of course for daybreak so that I can search once more.

Now if the paper mysteriously reappears I don't have fingerprint dusting. I will have to perform Sherlock Holmes technique looking for clues or doggy eared pages, filled in crosswords and clipped coupons.

It had occurred to me that the paper may have to be cancelled, but this is so much more fun.. Waiting in the dark, flashlight cocked. Wonder who I will catch with my paper today???

If indeed it has been gobbled up by gremlins I think I will have to admit defeat and cancel the paper, less rewarding but efficient..................Stay tuned for the adventures of JANE