Saturday 9 January 2010

Even my curls are frozen stiff

It is 29F , freezing rain pellets hitting the truck roof.. The plants half dead and dressed in card board while the towels are removed from the other plants so that they do not freeze the plants while soggy.

What is one to do, but to shop, play on the computer and cook.. The rv is warm all heating systems are working but the windows fogged up from the boiling water making devilled eggs. Can't win..........

Call home for sympathy- forget it .............They have their own type of deep freeze and they have white stuff I think that they call it snow?
Ben's number one son is heading home to Ottawa today to warm up,let's see if the airport is functioning. Last night flights were canceled-- FL had no deicing fluid.
That bring me to a thought, I wonder if the state did have deicing fluid if they used it on their oranges would they still freeze? And if that is the case can they peel the orange and be safe or does it absorb through the skin. HHHMMMM I have a few chemists in the family I could ask.. then again radiator fluid is an antifreeze and it killed the cat- so i guess the orange grove is out of luck!

No if we can just hold on till Tues and the temperatures will swing up and we will once again be warm, warmer and all too warm and wanting to go home. Funny lot those humans!!