Wednesday 6 January 2010

One old Senior and one Sweet Chick

It is 2:30 am as we sheepishly sneak into our RV park, trying 1) not to break the speed limit and 2) trying not to let on that old Nellie ( our 18yr old truck) had a muffler problem. Somewhere in that last 1/2 hour on the highway our tail pipe and muffler seem to come unattached and we hoped we can make it to our humble abode without needing bail money. Once daylite appeared the old fellor crawled under the truck- our suspicions were confirmed. The newly purchased ( 4 years ago- quit that laughing- that is really new in our family) tail pipe has stood it's ground and held stead fast. That poor old muffler just couldn't hold on anymore separating from the straight pipe that anchors it to the exhaust system. Two clamps, a little repair patch we are once again on the road- seamless to the Park Security that we were the noise makers hours previously. The mechanics price was good - 1 cup of Tea, 2 chocolate chip cookies -parts $13 -. All in all a good job... Until next time but i can guarantee you it will never be the same problem twice, just interesting enough to keep us on our toes