Monday 4 July 2016

 When I peaked out the kitchen window look who I saw on the lower roof? The shingles are slowly removed, the woodpile underneath is pretty large and awaits a kerplunk any moment. Less then 2 hours that roof is off, the shingles in a pile the roof wood frames are stacked.  The previous day Ben removed the large garage door as a storm had picked it up and twisted the garage and the back section of the garage that we need to remove
Stay tuned for the next exciting reveal, if you look at the roof line you will see a dimple that is the back half of the garage we need to unload and then once it is empty-- time to demolish. It will take 2 days to empty all the goodies into the original garage building.

Guess who is up top peeling more shingles off , he will be so glad to say goodbye to that job

And on day three this is where we discovered the sheeting was anchored with spiral nails, never to be removed. With a combination of saws and pry bars, hammers.. it finally gave way. I am the clean up patrol I removed the wood and piled it and took every nail out of the wood so there will be no injuries- we hope. 

So tomorrow am I guess it is roof trusses- lets see how smoothly that goes!