Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Wondering what happened to me.. Well

Things were going very well , when we decided to unload the boat into the river. The transition went well and Ben watered his way home in the boat. I on the other hand drove the truck and trailer home. After the trailer was unhitched and placed in it's resting place I just managed to try to relocate the truck in the driveway, BIG MISTAKE.

The truck would not reverse, OHOH< SO we then managed to winch it to a tree to get it to a position that I could point the truck nose first facing the road. Off to the Mechanic it went, with not so good news.

Now I have a trailer, boat and no truck, the transmission is gone.
To top it off the person that used to put my boat in the river when I had no trailer is no longer in business. I am now going to have to smile sweetly to anyone with a truck and play the little old lady card.

My life is just so exciting, perhaps someone could take some of this good luck to give me a break? Any takers?