Wednesday 15 June 2016

One can never have enough gold in their lives

Unfortunately this is not used as currency

My dang robotic quilter decided to give me fits, it would not stitch the repeat properly and of course it was halfway through the quilt and only I would notice, I plan something special for that area. I am not sure what.

SO after getting through that episode I made new leader attachments for my frame so that when I apply the quilt top it is nice and even with no whoops in it caused by outstretched fabric, the total cost of my repair job was $10 I bought ticking at $10 for 10 feet and as it was 32"width I cut it in half now I am a happy camper. Well maybe we will check them out this weekend.

AN ahha moment

I had extra batting and backing oh no not more scraps.. I had a brain storm and now have potato bags cut and ready to sew up. We will see how that works out in the wash, so to speak