Thursday 16 October 2014

only in Jane's World

We arrived in Leesburg on Wed in more of less one piece.
It took us several hours of blood sweat and tears to get the place scrubbed and opened up, LITERALLY.

As I ran like a wild women dusting and scrubbing, Ben sorted out the electrical and water supply, We ran to get a few groceries for our breakfast in the a.m and some drinkable water.
Up early in the morning I started to handwash the outside of the RV> It was 90 degrees by 8:30. Three hours later the rig was shinning and the awning and carpeting and sitting area was pristine, I had managed to weed and spruce up 75% of my garden. Not even 10 minutes into my jobs my hubby was bitten by a wasp- they call them mud dobbers here. Well I drugged him with benadryl, a neighbor bought us ice, I made Ben sit still until I finished my jobs and until such a time that he was able to participate. The worse case scenario was avoided - this time!!

After lunch we went to a muffler shop a seedy little looking shop with polite workers and pretty clean for some young fellow welding away , the reception area was old an you could see where windows have formerly set, now replaced with paneling and newer windows - old casements filled in. Obviously I had time to kill as I perused through the shop- Things that people leave behind, half glasses of drinks, old mail wads of half read papers. While I was amusing myself Ben was supervising the job pacing back and forth peeking in on what was being done to his precious car, now with its shinny new custom made muffler.The job was done, the costing was appropriate. The best news is that it was cheap to repair, Who knows it may last us the lifetime of the car!

Tomorrow is another day with gardening and erecting of the shade tent for the car.BBQ and clothesline installation. I might take the afternoon off and make lists of what is next! I might even be organized at day's end!