Thursday 23 October 2014

Can't keep up with creativity

I bought a number of onesies and now the smallest of the lot may be too small, if we wait until Xmas. So today I have embroidered the littlest onesies for Ted. I will package them up and send them out. Right now I have them on the line, I rinsed out the water soluble sheet I placed on top of the embroidered surface, Once dry into an envelope they go to Baby Ted.

I also have a small drukards path quilt top to get done, I have sewn most of the segments and hope to finish that tonight,during the weekend I will consider placement and get the blocks arranged so that I can whip those together never a dull moment.

In fact it is down right exciting while I am trying to get the gardens attended to , mow the lawn with a whipper snapper and sew poor Ben has been in agony. He managed to spill hot tomato sauce on his forearm and hand. Dunked immediately in ice water and slattered with our homegrown aloe vera plant, it is sore. Today there is more evidence of the injury and his hand is starting to blister. He is not a pretty site.................. One way to get out of hard labor!