Monday 13 October 2014

Here we are in Harrisburg, PA not far from the Chocolate Factory

by the way if you need a muffler there is one close to Harrisburg, PA. WE were 2 miles from our destination and got honked at the muffler was being dragged and we pulled over and into a hotel for the night. Hubby is black with grease and we are sort of together. One muffler is still intact and one is gone . Oh well we will be spending more $ in Fl last year it was brakes and rotors. The fellow did a rotten job of turning them so I went in and asked him to test drive it, he did and came back red faced, I got free rotors out of the deal and then I crossed the street poof the water pump. Got that in the same neighborhood!! Now a new muffler soon there will be an inport with USA parts only