Monday 20 May 2013

There is a reason why

People live in Condo's....

When it comes to yardwork the thought is ugh. First you are lucky if you can pull start the 100 pound lawn mower, noisey and stinky it makes it's cut along the path that hopefully you have chosen. With bare ankles exposed Mosquitoes find their daily meal, pushing with one hand and swatting with another it becomes a sport just short of being listed in the summer olympics. TO dress for the occassion, next time you dawn your knee high rubber boots, mosquito net hat, long sleeves and BUG REPELLENT - a fume like no other expensive perfume. Still the pesky critters find you !!

Now the process has begun and you soon find that the bag at the end of the lawnmower is spitting green stuff at you. You stop dead in your tracks, reach for a 40 gallon drum and unhook the collecton bag from the mower, pouring your overflow of goods into the recycle pail,of course it is too small but you have these big rubber boots on and you jam your bounty with those boots only to be repaid by a host of once again famished bugs that were hiding in those blades of grass. It doesn't matter you have long sleeves on they have huge teeth that penetrate the material.

And so the process starts and stop YOU are now hot and sweaty as you look towards your neighbors and think OH YEAH THEY HAVE A GREAT IDEA!!

Need I say more??? Condo it is in my next life............


Podunk Pretties said...

Too funny! I actually love tending to the yard work, that is until my dear husband put in 2 behives! Now I avoid the back yard as much as possible. Misquitos hate my blood, not so sure about the bees!