Sunday 5 May 2013

Grumpy?? ME??

Here I am looking in the mirror and seeing my former self who has gently aged-

Hair turning white when I hit 40- solution Hair Dye.
Crows feet and wrinkles- no problem mostly covered by freckles.
Teeth are not so pearly but they are vintage, all mine and clean. Vintage color I would say slightly yellow from age- that is ok I could never stand the glare of pearly whites anyway
Weight? Hmm a lady never tells but the weigh scale reminds me- it is out in the garage now!- IT LIED
Knocked Knees- That is a real problem I want to run, just to keep up with my chores and my knees say no- one needs a meniscus repair the other is arthritic- one is in sympathy with the other. I sure wish they would quit talking! It is slowing me down
My mind- so far I have not lost it but I have misplaced it a couple of times today!!
Eyesight is diminished and glasses really help you know those $1 magnifiers- but I keep misplacing the darn things- Hubby says it is an age thing, He must know he is the expert- 14 years my senior

SO it seems the only thing I have going for me is my quilting and sewing- so far so good and no remakes!