Thursday 12 April 2012

That is it !!

Holiday is over back to work

I am clearing out a room of all clutter or at least trading it for another
Boxes of rubbermaid filled with kiddie toys for a kiddy that will be soon pushing thirty. They now sit in the middle of the floor waiting to go to the garage and be placed into storage up top in the rafters where they will have a new resting spot.

A horse blanket holder is packaged and waiting for me to place a shipping label on it on Monday when it will make it's way to it's western destination.

Quilts on the frame waiting to be embellished, and wedding attire and trinkets packed in an orderly fashion to be taken to Toronto in a few short weeks.

Finally after all that fuss I may once again see the floor of the room!

The lawn is calling me, after Ben spent many hours racking the leaves and blowing out gardens, praying for rain in the next little while so I can fertilize, but only after I pick up sticks and sort through gardens to see what I may plant for annuals this season

Oh did I mention I need to print up wedding, menu cards, programs, seating cards.. Hmm sound a tad busy??? Welcome to the life of JANE