Tuesday 17 April 2012

Knobby knees

I managed to have a sore right knee and visited my local rachet guy.
In order to perform the correct treatment I was in for an evaluation.
Now my physio is a nice person with a warped sense of humor.
He had me twist and turn my leg, squat and all sorts of movements that would bring one to tears. But not until I laid on my stomach and he tried to push the lower leg down to bend my knee. NOTICE that I told him on admission that I was incapable of bending my knee to any extent. Of course I yelped, help back on all profanities..
yep we know that I am alive!

After some pulling and prodding he decided to perform his physical therapy techniques on my knee. Rittled with arthritis ( what is new!) and a pulled tendon he gave me some homework of two exercises,one resistance training and the other squeezing a pillow between two knees. To settled the swelling he decided to attach me to 4 suction cups all surrounding the inflamed knee, turned on the juice until my toes tingled and then let it rip., After 14 minutes the tingling in my foot stopped and the knee felt sort of relaxed. Not to get too comfy yet he applied some Ultra sound massage.

My knee is still a little wonky, probably due to old age. The training sessions will take place a little longer. But I can tell you one thing there will be no marathon running for me.