Monday 13 December 2010

Guess who came to breakfast


I spy with my little eye! I was looking out the window when what did I see... Four long legged tourists looking for some morsels.

This crane was given it's name as it is largely found in the Nebraska Sandhills region. Flying south for the winter the Sandhill is a contender for another type of "Crane" called the Big Blue Heron- who is not a crane at all but largely categorized as such because of it's similar appearance.

The Sandhill Crane has a red forehead, white cheeks and a long dark pointed bill. Its long dark legs trail behind in flight, and the long neck is kept straight in flight. Immature birds have reddish brown upperparts and gray underparts.This crane frequently gives a loud trumpeting call that suggests a French-style "r" rolled in the throat, and they can be heard from a long distance.