Saturday 4 December 2010

All in a days work....

We visited our friends in Recreation Plantation RV resort they had a park wide sale and Ben used his $10 allowance wisely. We bought a small table top grill, electric fan ( for cooling) coffee maker , electronic mosquito zapper - to scare the mosquitoes away from Ben. During our shopping spree at the RV park we met two fellows who had a very attractive lot, I wish I had taken my camera. They had a class A with a carport. Not an ordinary carport one that was elevated far above the RV, with two sections, giving it an L shape rather than the usual bowling alley. Drapes hung from the 15" high ceiling to mask the evening sun, made of outdoor fabric that is made of a teflon fabric. The hues of brown and green stripes were very attractive. Under the carport was not a floor of cement but a cobble stone . Flower beds adorned the patio area , with raised beds of roses and pink tones of flowering bushes.When I talked to the owners they told me that they were getting rid of their class A and bringing in a park model it will be gorgeous I am sure given the work already put into the lot, It was a glorious site

After our walkathon and high expenditures and bags of loot we returned to our friends who had finished their sales pitch and made our way to a local restaurant for sustenance. We talked and laughed and caught up with all our friendly gossip as it has been a year since we saw them. We waived our good buys and headed home, We had one stop to make! Walmart--------------- our favorite store. I managed to purchase some tomato cages to put over our ever so delicate flowers that will get a cool zip tonight. Soon I will head out to adorn the plants with sheets and towels to keep the little plants warm. We will see how frost free the plants are this year!