Sunday, 30 December 2018

I then thought to myself

I don't really have enough craft knowledge and I would see out a fiber guild of sorts, SO I decided to join of all things a lace guild. I know that it is an intensive craft and that there is a huge learning curve.

SO I contact a lovely lady and am invited  to attend the guild in 2 weeks. I went to work studying suggested reading that she sent me. I found a website that showed some DIY techniques in building supplies.

So far I have constucted my " pillow" a base that is used to mount the lace pattern on and allow you to pin each junction and keep the lace in shape. I then needed bobbins and read that pencils with rubber tips would fit the bill. Now remember I am not sure if I will be successful with this adventure of mine so the less funds that i spend the less of a loss. Yes you know I just may bomb and not be a good student.

I now am practicing some basic stitches so that I have a fell of how to work with a pattern and how to manipulate my bobbins.

You will have to stay tuned on this newest adventure I think it may be a long process! LOL

My 1890 treadle is getting a work out!

I must soon try my hand crank but for now I am gearing up on my treadle, the tension is flawless and it does not dissappoint! I had a load of cheap broadcloth and some other cottons some were donated to me and others were odd bits in my collection. I was not sure how this pattern was going to turn out with my collection of fabric but I did not want to leave it sit there all alone looking at me and saying " You are neglecting me!"

I down loaded the pattern and then soon realized that I only had some scraps of red and not enough of some to be placed where I initially thought, so the fabric was cut according to the amount of fabric I had on hand. NO I was NOT going to buy more I would indeed use these up!

I rather liked how this was turning out the pinky tone was a fine stripped red and white. BUT the next selection was going to make or break the quilt and I am not sure if I was successful in creating a pleasing specimen to the eye.

As you see the quilt will make a nice lap throw or a wall hanging, I am not sure what  colour I will back it with but I do know I will add a red thin bias trim all around. You can see my treadle in the back ground!

One week of torrential rain and what does one do???

First you decided to try out some new adventures. I had my embroidery machine set up so I decided to embellish some placemats with a design I had not yet tried, just incase I bombed I only did half of my supply. I liked it so much I choose to put it on a T towel but only 1/2 of the design as this particular sample design was duplicated. My experiment worked with the appropriate stablizers and it was a cheap experiment The designer of these patterns never cease to amaze me in their quality of digitalizing!

I continue to delve into all sort of embroidery elements as my machine is capable of doing a much larger area then I had with my old machine, it is funny how easily entertained I am and cheap too!

Saturday, 15 December 2018

So what is one to do if you don't have Xmas decor

Invent your own back drop- ok so you go to the local Mall and when no one is looking this is what happens..

The Bay Center in downtown Victoria has a lot of Xmas! Trees galore- hundreds of them over the three floors. Each decorated with a different them and each a contender for the grand prize by popular vote.

While in Tilicum Mall it appeared what Santa was on a break from his lap duties and probably busy in his North Pole workshop. No one was looking I could have hopped onto this throne but I did not want to get arrested. This end of the mall was particularly quiet.

Back at the Bay Center the place was busy with shoppers. This back drop is actually quite large so not much competition when taking a shot. There were a lot of little people behind these trees where they were lined to see Santa.

Friday, 14 December 2018

I finally got it together

Found just enough fabric in my suitcase to play around and here is what I did. Fits perfectly which is surprising as I never measured!

Saturday, 8 December 2018

One has to eat!!

Ben made a breakfast bar for us and it is getting a lot of use.
Not only for meals but computering as well.
We purchased the hardware from Ikea and brought it with us
Then once here we purchased a piece of pine, I primed and sanded and final coated it in white and Ben installed it. It is perfect for us and getting a lot of use

Now to test out the sewing part of the machine

Of course I have so many machines here and looking at downsizing by one so I wanted to try the sewing side of my embroidery machine. Why not make life interesting throwing in curved seams on a machine you have never sewn on before or even figured out all the fancy feet. We did ok. I  had some blue fabrics and cut them and stuck them into my suitcase look what I came up with , a blue applecore quilt top.

This will come home with me in the spring so that I can finish it up on my frame

Last spring in Victoria I purchased a new to me machine

A combination sewing embroidery machine.
I have put it through it's paces. I experimented with different threads and textures and stabilizer. I also found the machine to be very persnickety so I purchased a separate thread stand, Yep that worked! Black thread is a nightmare as it is so overprocessed it often breaks but we did our best.

The embroidery machine worked well

I have a ton of catching up to do!!

In mid October we drove to FL to close up shop
We were sad to say goodbye to our American Friends but our time was up.
Luckily for us we have a winter abode in Victoria BC
As a result we are fine and saving a lot of money since our dollar did not go far in the south. SO we are now in Victoria the rain is a little here and there so far and loads of sun now!!

Time to get into new adventures

Monday, 29 October 2018

I promise to be better in the New Year

Everything is a whirlwind in my world. We are in Florida collecting belongings and closing up shop here. It will be sad to say goodbye to folks that we have known over the past 12 years but new Canadian Adventures lie ahead.

In the meantime this last 3 weeks there has been no crafting to speak of but I am going to make up for lost time this winter when in BC.

I do have a lot of projects in mind that is whether I can proceed with them as planned!

In the mean time I have pictures of the cute family.
Notice how they all look like me ( just kidding!)

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

One more job for the embroidery machine

I have made  ballerina's before but I thought I might make one with a little tulle added to look as if her tutu has some dimension.  That old embroidery machine be small but it be mighty!

One more donation is all done and ready

This is a scrappy log cabin quilt. It has a fleur de lise pattern top stitched on it, because of the backing which is also fleur de lise- it was not hard to figure out what to do it all fell into place well.

Had a friend over who had a pattern for

In the hoop pouch but had not tried it. Some folks are allergic to reading instructions. So there I go and it turned out as expected. SURPRISE. This was done in the hoop on my embroidery machine- so easy!

Luckily I had a blue zipper then I found some fabric scraps

I have been busy

This is a free pattern for the pansy quilt- have no idea why it has that name no matter what colour it doesn't look like a pansy but I suspect they used a pansy patterned fabric on the details. I used blue toned anything, I lined it with fleece and no batting so it is going to be warm and lightweight. I have yet to bind it!

Monday, 3 September 2018

It has been a long summer!

In the last week of April we had a flood in the house due to a broken pipe. The insurance was great and a restoration company showed up almost immediately to remove walls and flooring. Then the wait began with approvals and subcontractors. Almost three months and we are crawling out of boxes! We had the house packed up we were able to have our bed assembled and pushed against one wall. One bath had a toilet intact another a sink. With lots of coordination, consideration for holiday time , we have two almost new baths. One toilet and one shower remained while new vanities and flooring and mirrors were applied and of course new paint no wallpaper!

Furniture was replaced and all but one wall was repainted.  As the fixit men were required to paint 1/2 the house I did the other parts while they went home, in the evening. All new interior doors and continuous flooring throughout.New bedroom furniture and while we are at it I replaced some new towel bars , toilet paper holders and lighting. We have had a forced makeover.

So next up is to see what type of kitchen I will replace the old one with , however in this case we will do the work and it won't be 3 months!! It may take me awhile until I find a new kitchen setup that I want but for now one can dream!! Maybe next summer!

I am so behind and chores that should have been done months before are just getting attention now! The summer has come and gone, I played an important supervisory role with making sure each task was performed. At the end of each day I did a walk through and made notes. Each concern was pleasantly addressed. I am pleased with our contractor- one subcontractor was not one that I would recommend to anyone but we managed to work around him for a good outcome

And then this happened

I managed to lasoo a bit of fabric from a lovely donator. As a result I have been able to make a few quilts for charity cases. I am so far behind because of the house reconstruction but finally after 3 months we are able to navigate around the house. Most things are in an orderly fashion although one never knows what I will change! Ben has given me his den and sorting out his extra toys in the spare bedroom which may take a while to sort out- but I am told it will be eventually

Retaining wall

after 30 + years our rock wall slumped to the depths of despair. We were forced to rebuild at a pretty penny. Lucky for us it is quite a snazzy wall as you will see. We decided to hire out this project as we are no longer able to sling rock as we did with the original rock wall.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Trial and Error

 I wanted to make some thing interesting from the donation fabric I was given , that is besides quilts. So  I managed to make 2 little bonnets, I need to test out the size. but they are pretty cute for trials. They are reversible and have a variety of fabric, turned out cute for test subjects.

Everyone needs a bib so here we go another test, I will have to see how we can test this out for size as well.You never know with free patterns how they will turn out

Things happen

Ted put the knee out on these pants a few times of wearing them.
So you know what happened when I went to visit- I got a project.
Lucky for me I had green patches in my kits- they will outlive the pants


I am really getting behind, after our house flood everything is boxed up and I was able to claim a few spare feet that I could make small quilt tops. At the end of the summer I will long arm them. Besides it is too darn hot!

Some times I get into monkey business

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Best $60cad spent

Let me introduce you to my treadle machine made in Guelph Ontario in 1890 by Charles Raymond
I was thrilled to get it, it was not seized up but the machine was just gooped from years of oil and lubricant and not in use

 I was excited to see the Manufacture name on the sewing cabinet when the machine folded away.
I learned a ton from vintage sewing machine facebook groups and got her shinny as can be and Ben taught me how to treadle and he replaced the belt. She glides through fabric and is a fantastic addition to my other 2 vintage singer machines. The decals are a bit worn but I have revived them as best as I can be. I don't want to disturb the decals but also want them to show their age. I actually obtained the machine from the original owners daughter who had no used it. I was advised on how to treat the cabinet to keep it nice and oiled and slick looking. The owners treated this treadle well. I also waxed the treadle irons see how shinny they are!

Can't make something for the grand daughter and not the grand son

I think I may have made  this bunny a wee bit fat?? Not sure I am get him in the luggage

 I saw this pattern and couldn't resist it! Here is the start

Now the hat has it's spikes and the mitts are complete!
I can actually make a lot more things but have to be cautious as it all has to come back home with me and space is a problem!

while I am not near my longarm I am finding other things to do

 The cute little dress is called autumn leaves a quick knit

Baa this sheep sweater was a breeze I am blocking it and now looking for buttons

 This little pink hat is a crochet hat my version as I have no idea what I am doing but it turned out!

 The little pink jacket has a lovely back split and a sweet little bow

All of these might fit Evelyn when she is about 2 but night as well get a start on it early!! LOL

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Work in Progress

All it needs is lining and closures. The hood is lined and hopefully tomorrow the rest will be too! Then it is just a case of hemming up the bottom- won't take me long. More mitts and hat have to be made as accompaniment

I decided to leave off the tabs that are to secure the top at the left shoulder. I think it is best if I put buttons or snaps.The tabs looked tacky!

 Have to see what I can find.
I know this is wild too! I have had this in  my stash for awhile as I had purchased it for it's color and now  have a pattern to whip it up.

Keep those ears warm

Have to keep those ears warm with the hair being chopped at the roots! What is more Canadian than a winter hat with a pompom. Have to get mitts to match - better put it on my - more yarn!