Sunday 30 December 2018

My 1890 treadle is getting a work out!

I must soon try my hand crank but for now I am gearing up on my treadle, the tension is flawless and it does not dissappoint! I had a load of cheap broadcloth and some other cottons some were donated to me and others were odd bits in my collection. I was not sure how this pattern was going to turn out with my collection of fabric but I did not want to leave it sit there all alone looking at me and saying " You are neglecting me!"

I down loaded the pattern and then soon realized that I only had some scraps of red and not enough of some to be placed where I initially thought, so the fabric was cut according to the amount of fabric I had on hand. NO I was NOT going to buy more I would indeed use these up!

I rather liked how this was turning out the pinky tone was a fine stripped red and white. BUT the next selection was going to make or break the quilt and I am not sure if I was successful in creating a pleasing specimen to the eye.

As you see the quilt will make a nice lap throw or a wall hanging, I am not sure what  colour I will back it with but I do know I will add a red thin bias trim all around. You can see my treadle in the back ground!