Sunday 30 December 2018

I then thought to myself

I don't really have enough craft knowledge and I would see out a fiber guild of sorts, SO I decided to join of all things a lace guild. I know that it is an intensive craft and that there is a huge learning curve.

SO I contact a lovely lady and am invited  to attend the guild in 2 weeks. I went to work studying suggested reading that she sent me. I found a website that showed some DIY techniques in building supplies.

So far I have constucted my " pillow" a base that is used to mount the lace pattern on and allow you to pin each junction and keep the lace in shape. I then needed bobbins and read that pencils with rubber tips would fit the bill. Now remember I am not sure if I will be successful with this adventure of mine so the less funds that i spend the less of a loss. Yes you know I just may bomb and not be a good student.

I now am practicing some basic stitches so that I have a fell of how to work with a pattern and how to manipulate my bobbins.

You will have to stay tuned on this newest adventure I think it may be a long process! LOL