Monday 3 September 2018

It has been a long summer!

In the last week of April we had a flood in the house due to a broken pipe. The insurance was great and a restoration company showed up almost immediately to remove walls and flooring. Then the wait began with approvals and subcontractors. Almost three months and we are crawling out of boxes! We had the house packed up we were able to have our bed assembled and pushed against one wall. One bath had a toilet intact another a sink. With lots of coordination, consideration for holiday time , we have two almost new baths. One toilet and one shower remained while new vanities and flooring and mirrors were applied and of course new paint no wallpaper!

Furniture was replaced and all but one wall was repainted.  As the fixit men were required to paint 1/2 the house I did the other parts while they went home, in the evening. All new interior doors and continuous flooring throughout.New bedroom furniture and while we are at it I replaced some new towel bars , toilet paper holders and lighting. We have had a forced makeover.

So next up is to see what type of kitchen I will replace the old one with , however in this case we will do the work and it won't be 3 months!! It may take me awhile until I find a new kitchen setup that I want but for now one can dream!! Maybe next summer!

I am so behind and chores that should have been done months before are just getting attention now! The summer has come and gone, I played an important supervisory role with making sure each task was performed. At the end of each day I did a walk through and made notes. Each concern was pleasantly addressed. I am pleased with our contractor- one subcontractor was not one that I would recommend to anyone but we managed to work around him for a good outcome