Tuesday 27 January 2015

Blog Construction

Dear Anonymous.

I have two favorites
The blog that you see here is free and created at
You can purchase your blogger name for a small fee or you can wing it free as I do.

The second is Wordpress it is easy to use and you can also obtain a domain name from them. They have a package deal for $99. I have a blog there that is free too

I have purchased a domain name some time ago through "go daddy" , but I have found that if you tag posts it makes one more visible, I have not has a problem with being found on the web with a non paid domain name.

Once you create your blog you can do a search for pinging a blog, What happens is you enter your blog name into a form and goggle and other browsers pick that up and link it so that those looking for a particular blog or something similar it is visible to the person searching for what you have