Saturday 1 February 2014

You may see blue but I see green

Here we are I am on part two of the ugly quilt , this is actually yellow and a leaf green I have no idea why it showed up as blue! I have said in an earlier post that I am working on the last of my charity quilts and I have some fabric that I need to sew up and try to make a quilt top from. What you are seeing is the center part, tomorrow I hope to apply the former block around this centerpiece. The problems? 1) you need a stiff drink to appreciate my wacky wave of artistry 2) I don't have enough fabric for what I originally thought I would do ( as of this am). Let's see what tomorrow brings! It will be another morning of creative piecing. I know in the end when I get it home and top stitched and finished it will look swank for now I think it should be named " Sea Sick".