Tuesday 11 February 2014

I know I need a life

Yesterday we stopped the presses and painted the shed roof , it was so hot the paint was drying right on the roller,. We had lots of onlookers as Ben was on the ladder and I was below in guardianship of the paint and of course making sure he did not fall into it or the pricly palm and cactus plants. After our work was done I attended a quilt guild meeting  I  loaded up on a smidge of quilting fabric as I of course have leftovers from the last quilt. By the time I got home from the guild meeting and a drop into the fabric shop the night was young, It was only 9:30 and I as sure that 3 hours would be plenty to whip this up.

It is supposed to be a doggy hat but I think that it almost looks like a panda- we won't tell anyone!