Monday 26 November 2012

sliding into first base........

Wrong sport!!

I was golfing when all of a sudden between greens I took a misstep.
I put out my hands as if to stop the fall, then thinking that was an invitation for a broken arm I quickly pulled my arms to my chest. At least my boobs would be protected. HAHA SO don't I slide on my shoulder roll around in the dirt and spring up.Hoping no one would see me literally bite the dust!! I was safe, not a soul around. I was so close to the baseball diamond I could always say I was practicing for a home run and did not quite have that " slide into base" perfected

I dusted my self off, looked for evidence of red ants on my pants- boy those little Bugg**s sure bite. And continued I have taken the wipe out on hole 3 thank goodness as I was half hidden by folliage.....