Saturday 27 October 2012

Sad demise but possible revival of

Scooter #2

Ben was doing his annual check up on scooter #2,our one and only survivor
In the midst of priss up we went for a walk and when back we noticed that the scooter had a mind of it's own. The scooter was elevated on a block with the back wheel revving wildly. Unknowingly it was on a race against time, once caught not only did we realize it was like the energized bunny refusing to heel, it had worn a hole in our rv carpet(don't worry I ordered another one last year- stored safely away). Upon further inspection the control was available for $7 on ebay, a price we were not sad to see. As we have no idea if the motor is the next to go, we decided to splurge and now wait for the necessary part to be retrofitted. I may be on the road once again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1