Saturday 20 October 2012

For those of you who are curious

There are many free bloggers to choose from, one being wordpress and another Both are equally easy to use and can be updated in minutes. Here is a quick tip.

To use blogger get yourself a gmail/goggle email address and they plug away.First you will want to look at the templates and find something that you will like. Then you are on your way, first though there are some things that I would check on.

1) Settings - do you want to have your own domain if so you can pay for a name that is unique to you and very inexpenive, if not you can choose a name and see if blogger already has your desire in use.. Next you want to set any privacy settings, do you want your blog open to the world? These are two things that you will want to do as you set up your account.

2) Blogging is much like writing a letter, from the post you can enter text, pictures and links. You can also preview and save your post until you are ready to publish it.

3) Once you start you will see how easy it is to use and how addictive it is. I got bored with the templates (backgrounds) and changed them easily. After using the blogger templates and organizing myself I decided to venture away and the background you see today is from PYZAM . Pyzam has a number of templates that are specific to blogger and easy to install..

Go ahead give it a try, it is free, there is lot of help info and it is a great way to journal your adventures.