Thursday 6 January 2011

Just Mosey- ing along

Dusty and I went for a walk and trott today.
I am taking horse back riding lessons at a local farm..
First off I warned the lady that I had not been riding forever

We get Dusty from his paddock, I show off my grooming skills and pass the test
Now onto the saddle- what saddle? No one warned me..
Today I am riding with a vaulting saddle - a 6 inch wide leather strips with two handles and a girth. I do not use the handles, there are no stirrups for me to feel secure. Now to start we walk , then walk faster. Now onto business, - toe touching- Here I am- reins in hands, no saddle , bending over at the waist touching my tootsies. Now I stay upright, I do not slur to the right or left, I am very aware of the fact that I do not want to shift my weight or pull on the reins of the horse.Mission accomplished- now I get to repeat that 10 times. Whew passed that test.. Or so I thought, We turn and I am now going in circles the other way. Yep more toe touching, but why not throw in a few bows , touch your nose to the horses mane, without bobbing or getting decked by the horses head.

We are now set for business and I trott, first a sitting trott - Try to stay on a horse with a little leather securing two thick blankets on his back, I am beginning to wonder if bare back wouldn't have been easier. Yippee-- it come back to me as I post off and on the horses back with some resemblance of rhythm. AHH that feels better I am assuming I have more control. My coach yells you - that 's it old girl you remember!! You have those muscles!! I stop dead in my tracks the coach's excitement has excited poor Dusty into a wild trott- time to get him into control and back into the rhythm...Hmm let's see what I do next week